In order to meet the individual stirring and mixing requirements in the laboratory area, a wide range of different stirrers is needed. The shape of the stirrer blade has a major influence on the direction of flow within the vessel. Depending on the type of stirrer, the medium moves axially, radially or tangentially, which has a significant effect on the final homogeneity, depending on the vessel and the viscosity of the substance.
The versatile range of stirrers produced by Schmizo is adapted to all commercially available stirrers (stirrer motors), stirring guides (stirrer caps) and reactors. If you do not find what you are looking for in our range, we can manufacture suitable stirrers individually to your requirements and specifications.
Stirrers are the most replaceable tools of a stirring device, agitator, stirring apparatus or stirring vessel. Depending on the design, they are either replaced including the shaft or mounted on it. In order to find the most suitable stirrer for the respective application, it is necessary to have precise knowledge of the required stirring tasks and the movements and flows to be generated by the stirrer.
Stirrers are available in a wide variety of designs. They are roughly divided into rotating stirrers and stirring systems with other effective movements.
Stirrers are basically differentiated according to whether they move the material to be stirred axially (mostly downwards), radially (to the side) or tangentially (in a horizontal circular path). A further distinction is made between slow-running and high-speed stirrers. The former are additionally subdivided according to the number of their axes. The single-axis variants include blade stirrers and anchor stirrers, while the multi-axis variants include planetary stirrers and gyroscopic mixers. Examples of high-speed stirrers are propeller stirrers and disk stirrers.
Vibromixers and bag mixers are among the mixing systems with non-rotatory action. In the vibromixer, a perforated disc moves up and down in a cylindrical vessel in a translatory and oscillatory manner, while in the bag mixer the entire vessel is mounted on an oscillating, swinging or Cartesian-moving platform.
You will achieve the best results with a stirrer tailored to the specific stirring and mixing requirements of your application. As a rule of thumb, the more viscous the medium to be stirred, the larger the stirrer should be. In addition to the dimensions, the material and the shape also play a not insignificant role. We would be pleased to present you with suitable stirring devices that optimally fit your task and your requirements. In the following you can get an overview of our possibilities.
Regarding the material, you can choose from:
In most laboratory applications, the propeller is the standard stirrer. The axial flow generated by this is optimal for homogenizing and suspending. Dissolver stirrers, on the other hand, generate a radial flow, which involves high turbulence and shear forces. If you need a tangential flow with a high shear rate, an anchor stirrer is the right choice. This results in significantly fewer deposits on the vessel walls, even with highly viscous media. Surface stirrers, which generate hardly any turbulence and are particularly suitable for low to medium speeds, are particularly gentle on the material to be stirred. Half-moon stirrers are a good choice for stirring media with low to medium viscosity, while spreader stirrers are optimal for stirring in vessels with a narrow neck. Among others, we have the following stirrer shapes and stirrer shafts on offer for you:
Besides stirrers with simple glass shaft, you can also find stirrers with KPG precision shaft.
We manufacture most of our stirrers according to customer specifications and requirements. This means that they are precisely adapted to the dimensions of the reactor, the acting stirring forces and the media to be mixed. Adaptations are possible with regard to the shaft length as well as the height and width of the stirring unit. In cooperation with you, we will find a stirrer that perfectly fits your requirements and delivers optimal stirring results. Contact us and make an appointment for a detailed consultation.
Flow disruptors are used for this purpose, components that protrude into the stirred vessel and interrupt the rotation of the liquid. Without them, the mixing of low-viscosity media would quickly reach its limits. With higher-viscosity liquids, on the other hand, they are a hindrance because they can lead to flow shadows and imperfect mixing.
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