Schlenk Tubes

Neck with NS sleeve 14/23

Valves according to customer requirement, standard bore 2.5 mm

  • Stopcock with glass key
  • Stopcock with PTFE key
  • PRODURAN high vacuum spindle valve
  • YOUNG high vacuum spindle valve

All other sizes and combinations on demand

Artikelnummer 23.21 Kategorie

All Variants

SKUContentStopcockAdd to Cart
23.210.3110 mlGlashahn
23.210.3925 mlGlashahn
23.210.4550 mlGlashahn
23.210.55100 mlGlashahn
23.210.65250 mlGlashahn
23.211.3110 mlPTFE-Hahn
23.211.3925 mlPTFE-Hahn
23.211.4550 mlPTFE-Hahn
23.211.55100 mlPTFE-Hahn
23.211.65250 mlPTFE-Hahn
23.212.3110 mlPRODURAN-Hahn
23.212.3925 mlPRODURAN-Hahn
23.212.4550 mlPRODURAN-Hahn
23.212.55100 mlPRODURAN-Hahn
23.212.65250 mlPRODURAN-Hahn
23.213.3110 mlYoung-Ventil
23.213.3925 mlYoung-Ventil
23.213.4550 mlYoung-Ventil
23.213.55100 mlYoung-Ventil
23.213.65250 mlYoung-Ventil

Individual customizations:

We would be happy to discuss with you the development of customer-specific functions for the product “Schlenk Tubes”, to meet your specific process requirements. Thanks to our technical knowledge and skills in manufacturing scientific glass devices, we can implement almost any requirement and ensure that the customized reactor features are both reliable and user-friendly.


    Beschreiben Sie Ihre Anforderungen oder laden Sie eine Skizze hoch – wir melden uns in Kürze mit einer individuellen Offerte.

    Sascha Ruch
    Sacha Ruch

    Schmizo AG


      Describe your requirements or upload a sketch – we will get back to you shortly with a customized quote.

      Sascha Ruch
      Sacha Ruch

      Sales manager
      Schmizo AG
